About Our Church

Sutton Baptist Church exists to worship God, teach people to grow spiritually, provide opportunities to serve others, and encourage one another in fellowship while reaching the community for Jesus Christ.

We know visiting a new church for the first time can be overwhelming. Here at Sutton Baptist Church, we exist to bring glory to God by making a positive difference in the lives of people. Whether you are curious to learn more about God, or are looking for a new place to call your church home, Sutton Baptist has a place for you!

Below you can find information about what we offer. 


Sunday Morning Worship

Sundays @ 9:30am

Join us for our morning worship. We worship the Lord by singing hymns and modern songs, prayer, fellowship, and the proclamation of the Word of God.


Sunday School Groups

Sundays @ 10:30AM

Join us for Sunday School. This is a time that we connect to one another by studying the word of God and praying for one another. We have groups for all ages.


 Children & Youth Group

Wednesdays @ 7:00pm

On Wednesday evenings we have activities for children of all ages. This is a time that your child can continue to grow in their relationship with the Lord while having a safe place to have fun. 


Adult Bible Study

Wednesdays @ 7:00PM

Join us for Wednesday Night Bible study. This is a time that we have a discussion based bible study where we open up the Word and discuss what God has said in scripture. This is also a time of prayer. During this time we also have a group that meets and packs backpacks for children in local schools. Each we they pack over 200 backpacks.


Choir Practice

Wednesdays @ 6:00PM

If you love singing and making a joyful noise, this is the place to be. Our choir practices during this time and they would love to have you. Our choir is very active each sunday and they do special events such as revivals and a community Christmas Cantata.


Food Bank Ministry

Tuesdays @ 9:00 

Join us on Tuesday mornings as we go to mountaineer food bank and serve. This is a time that we can serve alongside each other in helping provide meals to those that are in need. Each week we pack around 300 – 30lb boxes of food.




Hi, my name is Wil Blake.  Pastor Eric asked me to give a brief testimonial as to why we chose to attend Sutton Baptist Church.   My wife, Susan, and I retired from teaching in Rhode Island in June of 2017, and on July 1st moved to Sutton.  We immediately began the search for a new place to worship, and for about two months we visited various local churches.  After prayerfully considering our options, we felt that God was leading us to choose Sutton Baptist Church as our new church family.  The first thing that struck us about Sutton Baptist was the peoples’ genuine love for the Lord and each other. Everyone made us feel welcome, and in almost no time, this felt like “home”.  There are so many opportunities to worship, serve, and fellowship. Sunday morning service, Sunday school classes for every age, Sunday evening service, Wednesday evening Bible study, as well as several ministries to get involved in. We became members, and have been attending for a little over a year now, and could not be happier.  If you are searching for a church where the Gospel is preached, and opportunities abound to grow in your Christian walk, then Sutton Baptist Church is the place for you

Wil & Sue Blake

Our Leadership

Our Beliefs




Frequently Asked Questions



Contact us for more information!

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