Get Connected

At Sutton Baptist Church each one matters and we want each one connected!

At Sutton Baptist Church we want everyone to be connected. There are three connections that we focus on. We want to be connected upward toward Jesus Christ, inward toward one another in unity, and outward toward our community and world that need Jesus.


We want to be connected to Jesus. Everyone was created to be in relationship with God and through a relationship with Jesus that is possible. (John 3:16, Genesis 1:27, & 1 Corinthians 12:27)

How do we connect upward?

  • Salvation
  • Small Group Study
  • Wednesday Night Groups
  • Personal Bible Study & Prayer


We want to be connected to one another through being unified as the body of Christ. We work alongside one another, build up one another, and serve one another. (Ephesians 4:7-16, Hebrews 10:25, & Acts 2:42-47)

How do we connect inward?

  • Small Groups
  • Fellowship
  • Accountability
  • Service


We want to be on mission in caring for our world and building God’s kingdom. We are the body of Christ so therefore we are His hands and feet to reach the world.  (Matt. 28:19-20, Matt 6:33, & James 1:27)

How do we connect outward?

  • Community Service
  • Food Pantry
  • Food Bank
  • Evangelism

Weekly Events

Sunday Morning Worship

Sundays @ 9:30AM

 Join us for our morning worship. We worship the Lord by singing hymns and modern songs, prayer, fellowship, and the proclamation of the Word of God.


Children & Youth Group

Wednesdays @ 7:00pm

 On Wednesday evenings we have activities for children of all ages. This is a time that your child can continue to grow in their relationship with the Lord while having a safe place to have fun. 


Sunday School Groups

Sundays @ 10:30AM

 Join us for Sunday School. This is a time that we connect to one another by studying the word of God and praying for one another. We have groups for all ages.


Women’s Bible Study

Mondays @ 9:30AM & 7:00 PM

On Monday’s we have two opportunities for the Women of the Church to gather and grow in their relationship with the Lord. Each session follows the exact same lesson.


Adult Bible Study

Wednesdays @ 7:00PM

 Join us for Wednesday Night Bible study. This is a time that we have a discussion based bible study where we open up the Word and discuss what God has said in Scripture. This is also a time of prayer.

Choir Practice

Wednesdays @ 5:30PM

 If you love singing and making a joyful noise, this is the place to be. Our choir practices during this time and they would love to have you. Our choir is very active each Sunday and they do special events such as revivals and a community Christmas Cantata.

Food Bank Ministry

Tuesdays @ 9:00aM

 Join us on Tuesday mornings as we go to mountaineer food bank and serve. This is a time that we can serve alongside each other in helping provide meals to those that are in need. Each week we pack around 160 – 30lb boxes of food.



Men’s Bible Study

Mondays @ 9:30aM & 7:00 PM

 On Monday’s we have two opportunities for the Men of the Church to gather and grow in their relationship with the Lord. Each session follows the exact same lesson.

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